AI for Construction

Contract Review

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A proven solution for industry leaders

Construction contracts have many moving parts, making them difficult to review. There are plenty of areas to cover to ensure the language is cohesive and clear. Taking the time to review a construction contract will feel like a project of its own, with those involved waiting to begin the work. 

Artificial intelligence can be used to help speed up the process of construction contract review. Not only can AI make the process fast, but it can be done with great accuracy. LexCheck is designed specifically for contract review and issue-spotting and can handle large contracts like those used in construction.

How Does AI for Construction Contract Review Work?

The LexCheck system is designed to handle construction contract reviews. LexCheck uses AI based on LLM (Large Language Models), which is ideal for processing large amounts of data and dealing with text. The result is a system that can spot issues within a construction contract and review it to the specifications in your playbook. 

Here are some key details on how this system works:

  • Custom Playbook: Get started in minutes by uploading your template. Your positions for the contract are captured automatically and a custom playbook is created.
  • Insights: The system will give you instant insights by comparing your playbook to the contract being reviewed and highlighting areas that require attention, such as deviations from your preferred positions or problematic contract language, while informing you why it may pose a potential issue.
  • Redlines: The system can also offer redline suggestions in the contract being reviewed to address the identified insights and risks.
  • Implementation: The LexCheck review software can be integrated with your CLM solution and allows anyone on your team to manage contract reviewing.

Why Is LexCheck an Industry Leader?

 LexCheck leads the pack when it comes to construction contract review. LexCheck review software is implemented in many departments and industries, such as:

  • Legal departments
  • Sales departments
  • Procurement departments
  • Global enterprises
  • High growth business
  • Private equity firms
  • Law firms

The robust nature of LexCheck review software makes it ideal for handling large projects like construction contracts. LexCheck is an industry leader because of its ability to help companies save time and money and handle data securely.

LexCheck helps companies save time by expediting the construction contract review process. Expedited contract review means you can get a contract signed in as little as a day, where it may have taken weeks if done manually. That means less time spent reviewing and more time getting a construction project moving.

LexCheck’s AI software saves companies money because time is money when it comes to the time it takes to review and the time a team spends waiting to get construction going. You can save as much as 50% or more on legal fees for each contract review. 

Regarding your data, LexCheck is dedicated to keeping your contract information secure. All your data is securely stored with AES-256-bit encryption while being delivered through a TLS 1.2 or greater connection. Your data belongs to you with no mining, no using your information for advertising, and with regular data backups.

LexCheck is dedicated to saving you time and money when your construction contract needs to be reviewed. We give your team the tools to review with efficiency, unrivaled accuracy, and robust security. 

Get a leg up on the competition by getting your construction contract reviewed faster than ever.

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Interested in accelerating your contract flow?

Our team of contract experts would love to show you the capabilities of LexCheck's contract acceleration and intelligence platform in real time. Simply fill in your contact information, and we’ll reach out to find a time that works for you.

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