Private Equity

Automated Contract Review for Private Equity

Get into the data room faster than the competition with accelerated NDA negotiations.

Helping private equity deals flow

True AI
No false promises—our AI cuts NDA review time by more than half.
White-glove services
Our network of lawyers provide high-quality, end-to-end negotiations.
Same-day turns
Position your business ahead of the curve with faster turns on NDAs.

Execute faster with instant NDA reviews

73% of large private equity firms lack the technology needed to achieve high levels of automation. Your firm can automate NDA reviews and negotiations by leveraging LexCheck’s contract acceleration and intelligence platform yourself or by utilizing our end-to-end services. Automating this necessary—but tedious—process gives you a competitive advantage in the race for deals.

Apply effective AI contract review strategies to your private equity firm

Case Studies

Supporting flow between Legal and Procurement at NetApp

See how NetApp eliminated an entire step of their contracting process.

Reviewing contracts: What to look for to ensure maximum ROI

How to efficiently implement tech and accelerate your contract reviews while demonstrating the value of your investment.

Learn how you can optimize your contract negotiations

Read our latest guide, ‘7 steps to optimize your contract review process,’ to learn how AI legal tech can help you.

3, 2, 1...LexGo

One and done. That’s all it takes to get value from LexCheck.

NDA Services
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Take control of your deals today

Experience unmatched speed and efficiency with LexCheck DealDesk's AI-powered negotiation services. Close deals faster with industry-leading turnaround times. See it for yourself today!

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Interested in accelerating your contract flow?

Our team of contract experts would love to show you the capabilities of LexCheck's contract acceleration and intelligence platform in real time. Simply fill in your contact information, and we’ll reach out to find a time that works for you.

By submitting this form you agree to our terms. View our privacy policy to learn about how we use your information.